PDF to Excel using an amazing pdfplumber.

2022/09/11 | 1 minute read |

Hi All,

We must have come across a situation at least once where we have to copy and paste rows of data out of PDF files. The manual approach of copy-paste works reasonably well for tabular data and a couple of pages. Tabula is a tool that allows extracting data into a CSV or Excel using simple interface.

I came across a scenario where I had to fetch tabular data from a pdf document of ~3000 pages. Tabula was my first choice to extract data, but it was difficult to get standard format. The main issue was with the table header. I came across a better option while researching named pdfplumber.

As per the pdfplumber, table extraction is borrowed from Anssi Nurminen’s master’s thesis. It works like:

  1. For any given PDF page, find the lines that are (a) explicitly defined and/or (b) implied by the alignment of words on the page.
  2. Merge overlapping or nearly-overlapping lines.
  3. Find the intersections of all those lines.
  4. Find the most granular set of rectangles (i.e., cells) that use these intersections as their vertices.
  5. Group contiguous cells into tables.


# checking java version
!java -version

!pip install -q pdfplumber

# Importing .pdf file
import pdfplumber
import pandas as pd

pdf = pdfplumber.open("/content/All Admitted Candidates List MBBS_BDS & BSC NURSIN.pdf")
p0 = pdf.pages[0]

# Checking last page
p0 = pdf.pages[3056]

# Checking imported rows
table = p0.extract_table()

# Checking rows and header
df = pd.DataFrame(table[2:], columns=table[1])

# Write a loop to combine the dataframes

list_of_df = []

for i in range(3057):
  temp = pdf.pages[i]
  table = temp.extract_table()
  df = pd.DataFrame(table[2:], columns=table[1])

complete_df = pd.concat(list_of_df)
complete_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace= True)

# Saving the results in excel

The results are accurate when compared to Tabula’s results.

Thank you!!

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