R Helper Functions - Expedite your work
Hi All, I am adding the code snippets which I often use. It is always a good practice to create and maintain the custom functions in R and Python. We can attach the user-defined functions’ file at the top of the main script.
1. System Time
st <- function()
2. Working with NAs
if.na <- function(x,y)
if.na.0 <- function(x)
We often require to modify the number formats by converting to text string.
3. Number Format (Percent & Comma)
percent <- function(x, digits = 1, format = "f", ...)
paste0(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")
comma <- function(x, digits = 0, format = "f", ...)
format(x, big.mark=",", digits=digits)
When we need to count the missing and duplicate records in the data, we can use the below lines of code:
4. Missing and Duplicate
countMissing <- function(x)
## calculate counts
missing = sum(is.na(x))
if (mode(x) == "character")
emptyStrings = sum(x=="", na.rm=TRUE)
else emptyStrings = 0
totalRows = NROW(x)
nonMissing = totalRows - missing - emptyStrings
## present results
cat("# TOTAL ROWS: ", totalRows, " (", percent(totalRows/NROW(x)), ")\n", sep="")
cat("# Missing Values (NAs): ", missing, " (", percent(missing/NROW(x)), ")\n", sep="")
cat("# Empty Strings (\"\"): ", emptyStrings, " (", percent(emptyStrings/NROW(x)), ")\n", sep="")
cat(" # Non-missing Value: ", nonMissing, " (", percent(nonMissing/NROW(x)), ")\n", sep="")
cat(" # Mode & Class: ", mode(x), ", ", class(x), "\n", sep="")
countDups <- function(x)
cat(" Rows of Data: ", NROW(x), "\n", sep="")
cat(" Unique Values: ", length(unique(x)), "\n", sep="")
cat("Duplicate Values: ", sum(duplicated(x)), "\n", sep="")
cat(" Missing Values: ", sum(is.na(x)), " (", percent(sum(is.na(x))/NROW(x)), ")\n", sep="")
cat(" Mode & Class: ", mode(x), ", ", class(x), "\n", sep="")
I will keep updating this post with more helper functions. Please drop a comment if you need more helper functions.
Thank you!.
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